How to Eliminate Bruises Wounds in Naturally

Bruises often arise because of a fall or it could be because of a hard object. Well, if you experience this you do not get confused because there are natural ways to get rid of the bruise.

Bruising itself if medically referred to as a condition in which a blood clot and can not flow properly because of the trauma. Bruises often cause insecurity if they are in the area of ​​the face. These lesions can be removed with a short amount of time as long as you know how.

Here is how to quickly eliminate bruises.

Compress with ice cubes
When bruising occurs first step you should do is to get some ice cubes. In this way the ice cubes will help prevent blood clots and keep the blood flowing smoothly back.

Apple Vinegar
Apple Vinegar can also remove a bruise way is apple cider vinegar mixed with warm water and on the surface of the skin that bruises kompreskan. So little by little bruising will disappear.

Compress with warm water
Not only with ice water, it turns out bruising can also be eliminated by compressing it with warm water. The trick is easy enough to use a thick cloth and then dip into the warm water and then compress to the bruised parts so that it can reduce swelling and pain arising from the bruised

Apply with pineapple
Pineapple is also very nutritious remove bruised, it is because the content of the enzyme bromelain which has a function to control and heal bruises. The trick is in the grated pineapple and compress to the bruised wounds wait until half dry and then rinse with plain water.

using Turmeric
Turmeric destroyed by shredded then kompreskan into the wound. Turmeric will help alleviate aches and pains resulting from the bruising.

Consuming Vitamin K

Bruises are difficult to lose means signifies that you are deficient in vitamin K, so you need to multiply the vitamin K. You can get vitamin K from spinach, broccoli, cabbage, cabbage mini, asparagus and much more.

Hopefully the information about how to remove bruises could be useful for you.

How to Treat Back Pain in Natural

Lumbago or in medical language is called low back pain. Back pain often comes when we sit too long. Back pain can be caused by several factors. Disorders of the spine, muscles, ligaments, tendons and wings, disc herniation, arthritis, malignancy, infections around your spine, pelvic disease, stomach, and congenital abnormalities in the spine can cause back pain.

Traditional Pain Medication

Here are some of the traditional ingredients that can be used to treat back pain you suffered.

Red ginger

The content of a chemical compound composed of red ginger gingerol, zingeron, and shogaol. How: 25 grams of fresh red ginger, 25 grams of fresh black meeting, 30 grams of fresh root of cabbage sky, 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water, drunk warm. Do it regularly.

Angco fruit is also known as Chinese dates or Chinese dates. How: 10 grains Angco, 1-3 pieces of sun boi / boi Kiam, 15 grams of fresh red onion roots, 25 grams of fresh red ginger boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water, drunk warm. Do it regularly.

fruit Solanum torvum
Fruit Solanum torvum similar Leunca proved efficacious for treating back pain. How: 100 grams of Solanum torvum, 30 grams of corn silk, 20 grams of fresh red ginger, 10 grams of fennel boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered water, and drink warm. Do it regularly.

cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper (stemmed) + ginger (sliced​​) each sufficiently soaked with 75% alcohol in moderation for 14 days. After the soaking water is applied to the waist ache. Do it regularly.

Besides commonly used to nourish the hair and get rid of acne, garlic is also efficacious to relieve pain, including back pain. How: 120 grams of red ginger, 150 grams of garlic, chili powder to taste soaked with 75% alcohol in moderation for 14 days. After the soaking water is applied to the affected part. Do it regularly.

roots Weeds
Maybe some people think that the weeds just useless weeds. However, do not underestimate this one plant. For the treatment of back pain, the roots of the weeds can be utilized. The way is to take root weeds to taste and boil until boiling. After a cold, drink a decoction of the roots of the weeds had water at a dose 2 times a day.

Cats whisker
Similar to the above, a cat's whiskers are also credible as a traditional medicine back pain is quite powerful. Therefore, complete your family with a medicinal plant crops this one.

leaves Hyacinths
Unlike the reeds and cat whiskers is pain medicine natural waist from the inside, daffodil leaves are pain medications to use external waist. Way, take some lily leaves and baked until slightly wilted. After that spread the lily leaf with coconut oil. If it is uneven, staying attached to the waist of the sick.

Well, that's natural materials that can be used as a traditional herb for treating back pain. Good luck.

How to Treat a natural way Typhoid

Ordinary typhoid disease occurs when bacteria called Salmonella Thypti enters the intestine through food breed freely in our intestines and then spread throughout the body to cause a high fever for the patient. Thypti entry of Salmonella bacteria can happen when we less hygiene. for example, do not wash your hands before eating, drinking contaminated water, or that has not been cooked directly so Thypti Salmonella bacteria enter our gut and cause disease typhoid.

For those of you who may be disease typhoid good to read a review on how to naturally treat typhoid already proven this to completion.

Typhoid disease usually affects children above the age of one year, but that does not rule out the possibility of this typhoid disease affects adults. how to naturally treat typhoid may not be as practical as a doctor to treat it straight or by taking fever-lowering drugs. but so often is not a way to cure typhoid rapidly and the reaction is only for a moment so that within one day of high fever can strike back. without much further ado following is information about information related to how to treat typhoid most potent naturally more:

How to Treat Typhoid

1. Young Sapodilla
Prepare 3 pieces of light brown then grated and squeezed the brown water, then drink the water from the juice of the sapodilla earlier regularly. for children just once in one day, while for adults good 3 days

2. Turmeric
Prepare 2 segment turmeric that has been thinly sliced ​​and add with 20 leaves and 11 leaves of bitter kola, then boiled these ingredients together and then drink the boiled water 3 times a day

3. Cucumber
Apparently cucumbers can also treat typhoid, easy enough to use, you only need to prepare 2 pieces of cucumber and grate and squeeze until smooth. after the last drink cucumber juice 3 times a day on a regular basis to keep the heat right down

4. Curcuma
Sliced ​​thin 2-finger knuckle of ginger and boil with 2 cups of water until it becomes a glass of water and drink once a day

5. Earthworm
In addition to enrich the soil, earthworms was also able to be a natural remedy to overcome the disease typhoid. way, prepare the 10 heads of earthworms then wash its entrails and then boiled with 500cc water. wait for it to boil then drink the cooking water when it is still warm when it is cold because the fishy taste of earthworms will be felt

Such information can be admin convey on this occasion about the article discusses tips on how to treat the most potent naturally typhoid, may be useful under on you all. good luck and get well.

Quick Ways to Easily Pregnant

Pregnancy and get a descent is a great expectation like the couple, especially for those who are newly married. The presence of the baby in the family life adds to complete the atmosphere. The moment when the pregnancy test showed positive results, is a moment that is highly anticipated by the couple for those who crave the presence of the next generation of the family.

But sometimes, in hopes of getting pregnancy and offspring felt began to fade when the long-awaited pregnancy is yet to come as well. Stress and despair descend many couples who have long been waiting for. Sometimes this condition makes a lot of the family are in harmony with the result of divorce because of this case. Actually many cases that it is difficult for a husband and wife get a descent, at the start of the disease, hormonal disorders, disorders of the reproductive system and various other things that of course this needs to be done further tests and treatment to overcome it. But there are times when a husband and wife is hard to get pregnant due to lack of basic knowledge about pregnancy, so pregnancy is yet to come in the future as well.

Here are some tips that can be done to the couple in order to quickly get pregnant:
Pray To The Almighty

Man can only plan and tried, while the Lord would determine everything. Therefore, proceed with your business by praying to Him, so that as soon as the gift is endowed pregnancy. Prayer is so powerful, which is able to realize the impossible becomes possible. So, pray!
Check with your health condition

The first thing to do is to conduct a medical examination that includes your own body's health, about your reproductive system, fertility and other things to the experts. Consult this case both the husband and wife. This is an important asset for the occurrence of pregnancy and to be known by the couple, because if there is a constraint on these things, of course, needed further care and treatment and not just the tips. If after your condition checked and declared healthy and your partner, then perhaps the next tips can be useful and can do.
Implementing Healthy Lifestyle

Another thing that is important is a healthy lifestyle. Here's what you should consider:

If you happen to be a husband or a smoker, you should stop smoking. as well as drinking habits alkhohol.

drink alcohol at all reduce the chances of pregnancy by up to 50%

Ensure Your Weight Not Less / No More (ideal) because of less weight / more but can complicate conception, is also a problem when you are pregnant. As for men, being underweight can reduce sperm formation.

Diligent Sports, thus the condition of your body always fit and in the process would be greater fertilization occurs.

Nutritious Balanced Diet in nutrient laden foods needed for a healthy pregnancy in the future.
Know Your Fertile Period

Fertile period is characterized by a significant increase in luteinizing hormone just before ovulation (the release of eggs from the ovaries). The increase in LH will push the egg out of the ovary to the fallopian tubes. In the fallopian tubes can occur fertilization by sperm. Times is called the fertile period, when the egg is there and ready to be fertilized. The egg is in the fallopian tube for about 3-4 days, but only up to the age of 2 days of the most good for fertilization, after which it dies.

To find out how to calculate your fertile period, please read our article:

Calculating the Fertile Period
Know and Avoid Problems Fertility (Infertility)

Fertility problems caused by disruption of the reproductive system in women and the decline in the quality and quantity of sperm in men. A study shows that fertility problems due to occur in 40% of women, 40% as a result of men and 30% due to both.

Many fertility experts who found the man on top position during intercourse provides the best chance for pregnancy. To be effective, a woman can prop her hips with a pillow so her cervix can accommodate a lot of sperm. Keep after ejaculation occurs between spouses, for 10-20 minutes so that the woman remained in a lying position. Do not move out of this attitude lie in minutes this time because semen will melt, and when the woman got up semen will flow back to the acid environment of the vagina and the sperm to weaken and die. It is also an order that a woman's fertility can be maintained.
Relaxed atmosphere Presents At Associated

This husband and wife related activities should be conducted in a relaxed and romantic. The fertile period arrived and planned to have sex, be sure to allow enough time. If the completion of a work activity, rest in advance to allow time for refreshing the body. Bathing can be a way for the body to be refreshed. Keep the mood and be relaxed, do not get too stressed in sexual intercourse, for example, think about whether the "activity" this time will produce a pregnancy.
Know Basic Knowledge Regarding Occurrence of Pregnancy

It is also important to know by the couple in order to serve as an overview to get pregnant. Knowing how much the number of normal sperm, cervical conditions when the fertile period, how long the sperm from reaching the egg and so on. The details about the process of pregnancy.
Vitamin drink

To get pregnant, vitamin and type of foods contain substances that are needed for fertility is very important for you and your partner. Vitamin C, one of them, can improve the quality of sperm. Consuming 1000 mg and 10 mcg of vitamin D or vitamin E can increase the fertility of men and women. And women who take folic acid have better chances of getting pregnant than those who did not consume it. Folic acid also plays an important role in the formation of the fetal brain tube later.

How to Cope with Natural Hemorrhoid Disease

How to cope with hemorrhoid disease is not as easy as we want. As with other diseases, hemorrhoids also have a causal effect of such event. Hemorrhoid is a disease that appears on the anus and hemorrhoids are also often referred to as hemorrhoids.

The causes of hemorrhoid disease can be caused by the disease offspring therefore, harm the attitude or motion in the exercise, and too much when sitting or standing.

Hemorrhoid disease consists of two parts, namely the outer hemorrhoids and hemorrhoid inside. External hemorrhoid is marked by the appearance of a lump around the anus and often itchy and slightly horrified. As for the hemorrhoids will be bleeding while defecating, but if allowed to continue it will appear like a lump outside hemorrhoid.

Piles will appear with the following symptoms:

1. It often feels uncomfortable in the anus
2. Discharge of mucus
3. The presence of blood that comes out through the anus
4. Experiencing secondary anemia
5. If you feel some of the above symptoms, try to check into the nearest doctor to know more clearly about your health.

How to Overcome Hemorrhoid Disease

As already described above, that the disease is in the anus hemorrhoid. So often feels pain during defecation and some time. Given these events, the state is torturing you. But you can try to treat hemorrhoids with the following ways:

Applying Healthy Lifestyle

Having a healthy life style or pattern would provide excellent impact, not only for hemorrhoid disease but will further provide for the health of organs other woods. If you previously did not think too much about the future health of the body so now try to change slowly. If you often sit daily, then try at times to stand for a while to stretch the muscles of the body. If you sit most of their daily life then you should always augment drinking water, because it can make the blood vessels is always smooth and not make the body lack of fluids. Do not forget to pay attention dikosumsi food, and multiply-eat fresh foods such as vegetables and fruits.

Mangosteen skin

As some previous posts, mangosteen is also important to maintain a healthy body. But here we take manggisnya skin to cope with hemorrhoid disease. The way to prepare and wash and dry the mangosteen peel, after you soak it with boiling water, and then take the mangosteen peel with water filter. And please you drink water regularly until the hemorrhoid disease disappeared.

Maintaining Health

Always When a bowel movement to clean your anal area as well and really clean. But in the cleaning do not try to use soap because it can add to the irritation. Drying use soft tissue and can be used for baby wipes.

Soursop Leaf

Same with other herbs, soursop is also important to address the human disease. With the content of anonol, annocatacin, annocatalin, annonacin, annomuricin, annohexocin, anomurine, acetogenins, linoleic acid, muricapentocin caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin. It can help keep the immune system and eliminate hemorrhoid.

Often Drinking Milk

Milk has content that is very good for the body, one for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is actually recommended to multiply mengkosumsi fiber foods, but here milk can also be a backup of the fiber foods.

leaves Bandotan

Bandotan very much grown in Indonesia, this plant is often found on the side of the road, fields, and bushes. Bandotan has been tested and found to cure hemorrhoids, if you do not know how to shape bandotan can search on google. As for how to cure you are the following:

Method 1

Take bandotan young leaves as many as 5 pieces
Clean with water and roll it by hand
Then insert it into your anus with every 1 a day to 2 weeks in a row.

Method 2

Take bandotan young leaves then wash.
Then soak in hot water
Then strain and take the water
Drinking water with regularly up to 2 weeks.

3 ways

3 Remove the tree and its roots and wash bandotan
Boil hot water
Drinking water every day to 2 weeks.

Follow the way to overcome the above hemorrhoid properly and regularly to get maximum results. In the course of treatment may not be resolved immediately, because it takes the process.

How to Treat Strep Throat Most Powerful

Pain in the throat is a symptom of disease of the respiratory tract. One of them is an inflammatory disease of the throat. Perhaps many who think that this is a trivial disease. However, if allowed to continue would be fatal.

Medically, strep throat is a condition when a bacterial infection of the throat. This condition causes throat irritation, inflammation, hoarseness, coughing, itching and pain on swallowing.

Causes of Laryngitis

The bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus, a common cause of illness with sore throat. This type of bacteria is very contagious and can spread through the air when you cough and sneeze. In addition, the bacteria can also be spread through food, beverages, or items that have been infected by this type of bacteria.

Symptoms of Sore Throat

Common signs that appear when a person has strep throat, among others, as follows:
  • Sore throat
  • Tonsils swollen and red. Sometimes there are white patches and layers of pus on the tonsils
  • There are small red spots on the back of the roof of the mouth
  • Difficulty swallowing, drooling even though
  • The lymph nodes in the neck swell
  • High fever, usually more than 38.3 degrees Celsius (101 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • headache
  • rash
  • Body feels tired
  • Pain or swelling in the joints
  • Stomach ache and sometimes accompanied by vomiting
It is the most common symptom in patients with sore throat. But these symptoms could be a sign of other diseases.

How to Treat Sore Throat

The following natural ingredients that you can use as a traditional medicine strep throat:

1. Ginger tea
You can add one inch piece of ginger is crushed and then boiled for two to minutes. Then, mix it with tea that you have previously made.

2. Chamomile tea
Warm chamomile tea can also reduce sore throat due to inflammation. Pour two chamomile tea bags to one cup of boiling water. If you want to get a sweet taste, you can add honey.

3. Gargle with a mixture of turmeric, water, and salt
This is a very effective home remedy for relieving pain in the throat. Plus, the materials needed must always available in your kitchen. Mix one teaspoon of salt and a pinch of turmeric with 200 ml of warm water then gargle several times a day.

4. Basil
Boil basil leaves and drink boiled water. Or simply rinsing with boiling water sore throat basil will make you better.

5. Honey and lemon
Drink a cup of warm water mixed with one tablespoon of lemon and one tablespoon of honey. This mixture is known as a potent drug to overcome a sore throat. If there is not a lemon, one tablespoon of honey with no additional water can also reduce a sore throat because honey is a natural antibiotic. But honey should not be given to children under two years of age.

6. Inhale steam
Ancient remedy for sore throat is the inhalation of vapors. Put hot water in a pan and put it in front of you. Put a towel on his head to prevent the spread of steam. Breathe the steam from the pot not only through the nose but occasionally also through the mouth.

7. Consumption of Soups
When the sore throat, usually we will be hard to eat and swallow. Therefore, for example, try eating soup chicken soup warm with a little bit sour taste. It not only relieve pain but also make sure you get the nutrients to fight inflammation.

8. Drink lemon juice without sugar
Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (from 1/2 lemon juice) into a glass of warm water. Do not add sugar. Drink 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach objec (approximately 30-60 minutes before meals).

9. Eat garlic
Garlic contains a compound called allicin which is a bacteria-killing agent. So try to chew garlic compound allicin to issue in order to overcome strep throat.

10. star fruit juice
Star fruit proved to have anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to treat strep throat. Way to take 100 grams of sweet star fruit, and made ​​juice and drink.

Some things you need to do if attacked by laryngitis is rest, drink plenty of water so that moisture is maintained and avoid smoking. May be useful.

How to Treat Thrush Quickly

Canker sores or aphthous stomatitis is a disease that occurs in the mucous membranes of the oral mucosa or lining of the mouth sores that form in the form of yellowish white spots. The appearance of these sores accompanied by a high pain and especially when you're eating or drinking. Sores that occur in the same area of ​​the mouth for two weeks to a month can be used as an indication of a cavity cancer mulut. There are several factors that cause canker sores.

Causes of Sprue

1. Mouth bitten deliberately or inadvertently when chatting, eating, etc.
2. Lack of vitamin C and iron.
3. Often eating spicy foods or hot drinks.
4. Allergy.
5. digestive disorders.
6. The oral hygiene is not maintained as rarely brush their teeth.
7. The psychological factor in a person's body and the body in a condition not fit.

In order thrush does not reappear, it is advisable to not do the things that I mentioned above. Now we go to the topics of this article, here's how to treat canker sores.
How to Cure Thrush

1. Gargling salt water
     Create a warm water first. Then mix the salt with warm water and use to rinse. Do this 3 times a day. The content contained in the salt can draw wound fluid sprue. Gargling salt water can also be used to relieve pain in the cavities.

2. Coconut water
     Coconut water can soothe the digestive system and remove toxins contained in our body. Coconut water is also good for treating canker sores.

3. Consumption of fruits
     You can eat oranges or other fruits. Oranges contain vitamin C which can be to cure canker sores.

4. Baking soda
     Baking soda can eliminate the bacteria that causes thrush. The trick, mix baking soda with water and use to rinse. You can also make a paste of baking soda. The trick, mix baking soda with salt and then add a little water. Apply the paste that has been made ​​on cuts sprue and wait for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water.

5. Honey
     Honey can also be used to treat canker sores. It's easy, apply pure honey on the wound canker sores and honey drink 3 times a day 2 tablespoons. Do I use this honey on a regular basis.

6. Guava leaves
     Guava leaves have been known to be useful for the treatment of abdominal pain. However, guava leaf also has efficacy for treating canker sores. The trick, chew a few pieces of guava leaves and rinse.

7. Turmeric
     Turmeric in addition be used as a spice or seasoning. Turmeric can also be used to cure canker sores. Make a paste of turmeric. Turmeric Wash thoroughly beforehand. Then puree and mix saffron with 1 teaspoon of glycerin with crushed or blended way. Glycerin can be easily found in supermarkets or pharmacies. Subsequently apply on the wound canker sores.

  8. Coconut Oil and Honey
     Coconut oil has anti-bacterial properties. The trick, mix with honey and coconut Minya apply on the wound canker sores. For this step, it is good to be done at the time of going to bed.

9. Yoghurt
     Eating yogurt can maintain the balance of bacteria present in the mouth and body. This is because yogurt contains live acidophilus. With so may speed up the healing process of canker sores.

That's some of the causes of canker sores and how to treat thrush. From the above, how to cure thrush using traditional manner and require patience for the healing process.

First Aid when Experiencing Toothache

How to treat a sore tooth decay does not always involve chemical drugs. Chemical drugs are sometimes not suitable for the majority of symptoms. In addition, people have to know how expensive the treatment of dental pain at the doctor.

They are not enough to come once and instantly healed. How to treat toothache from a doctor for a long time because it takes a few times to ensure it is healing the tooth. This causes them to seek treatment with a different method. Another way to treat toothache is a natural way that will not cause side effects. Here's Top 10 Natural and Traditional Ways To Treat Toothache Because cavities

First Aid when Experiencing Toothache

1. Ice cubes
Ice cubes can help relieve toothache, how to take a small piece of ice and place it between your index finger and thumb. Massage gently in the part, feel the pain slowly began to be lost. Massaging comfortable by the ice beam touches the nerve cells located around the thumb and forefinger. Massage done by the ice cubes directly to the nerve center, so that 60-90% of pain you are feeling quickly disappears. Safer than chemical painkillers.

2. Garlic
Cut finely the garlic (1 clove of garlic), then sprinkle a little salt. Chewing on the sore area and soon the pain in your teeth will slowly disappear. You may also use it as therapy to strengthen the bone structure of your teeth.

3. Onion
Not only the garlic, because the onion is also not behind to ease the pain of your teeth, like a children's story hehe wrote ... The content of the enzyme in onions may help kill the nasty germs in the mouth. So you will get other benefits by using this onion. Coping with toothache as well disinfect, so double benefits.

4. Lime
Squeeze the lime juice, pulaskan on the aching tooth spoonful after spoonful every 10 minutes until the juice runs out. Beside rich in vitamin C, orange juice also serves as a pain reliever of your teeth.

5. Clove Oil
You probably know that cloves are one of the constituent composition of cigarette. However, different from the function of clove cigarettes, clove oil extract is very effective to save your teeth from feeling pain attacks. It's easy, apply clove oil on your teeth with the help of cotton.

6. Salt
Behind the salty taste of salt, the high iodine content also ease the aching tooth. It's easy, sprinkle salt in a glass of warm mineral water. Stir and use as a mouthwash means. gargle at least until you feel comfortable enough and not too tormented by toothache pain. Not recommended directly consuming salt, because in addition to definitely really salty, also even less spread in between the teeth.

7. Flour Pepper
Keep your teeth with pepper powder, apply a small amount of pepper powder with 1/4 teaspoon salt. If used regularly every day can prevent cavities, bad breath, bleeding gums, sore gums, and toothache. To relieve a toothache, you can put a mixture of pepper powder and clove oil to the tooth cavity. Sensitive teeth can be overcome in the same way.

8. Green Chili
Stick it on the aching tooth green chili to taste the cut edges a little bit and then burned. After a hot, chili placed on the aching tooth. Use regularly 2 times a day.

9. Avocados and leaves Flower Evening
Dry / toasted 1 avocado seeds, then blend to a powder. Then enter the avocado seed powder to cavities, then cover with cotton. You can also use the leaves of evening flowers. Take a few leaves, boiled until cooked with water. Drain and drunk as he gargled.

10. Carambola Wuluh
Take some fruit starfruit. Wash, eat it with a pinch of salt. Chew by using the aching tooth.

Such was interesting reviews related ways of treating pain that had cavities Share 10 present in the list of top 10 tips this time. Hopefully with the presence of a few tips above can help readers in removing and treating toothaches are hollow.

How to Treat Eye Pain Naturally

Natural Ways to Treat Eye. How to make a swollen eye medication, how to treat an eye with traditional natural materials, and materials or leaves what can treat sore eyes? Have you experience eye pain, I'm sure everyone must have felt sore eyes, whether it was limited to pain, soreness or even worse making the eye becomes blurred.

Causes of eye pain were mostly occur due to allergy, infection, or lack of fluid in the eye that results in dry eyes so the eyes feel sore. It also looked at the object of focus or too exaggerated and rarely blink can cause dry eyes so that your eyes stinging, this usually happens when a person is or is too long at the computer, playing games and watching television, so I forget to blink. Well with frequent winks lubrication process will occur on the eye so that it can avoid the dryness that makes the eyes red and sore.

In addition to the above factors eye pain can be caused by lack of sleep, lack of nutrition is also weakening the immune system or that often occur due to seasonal eye pain even contagious. Thus biasanay eye sore outbreak and spread from one person Keyang other. Such events often occur in a family or group that often interact or frequent direct eye contact. This type of eye disease Javanese people call this disease "or beleken belek" you already feel? it felt incredible pain in the area around the eyes, dizziness, watery too. Eye disease belek types will last long enough for about two weeks to a month sometimes not recovered depending on the type of treatment undertaken.

If you have eye disease, take immediate steps so that treatment does not cause problems even for greater irritation and infection. So what should we do when your eyes hurt?

How to Treat Eye Pain Naturally

1. Compress the eyes with warm water, intervenes when sore eyes to reduce swelling and relieve pain in the eye.

2. Reduce watching TV, watching television for too long if you experience eye pain even make eye would be extra work, thus making the eyes will get worse, you should use your time to break with the often close my eyes or sleep.

3. Immediately treat with natural herbal ingredients, to avoid long-term adverse effects, how to take a few pieces of betel leaves, wash until boiled with a little salt add to boiling water then lift the fireplace wait until it is cold, filtered using a clean cloth then use face wash three times a day.

Well with these natural ingredients can eliminate puffy eyes, eye pain beleken. Good luck, and so little of our articles and get well.

How To Eliminate Migraines Quickly

Migraine or usually referred to as a type of migraine headache disease which is very annoying. Where headache sufferers can reduce the level of work productivity due to her complaints.

Factors that cause migraine vary widely due to factors such as hormonal, dental pain, lack of sleep, stress, and other causes. Migraine sufferers are generally experienced by women as by the results of the research showed that 30% of women are more susceptible than men to suffer migrants who only reaches 20% only.

Migrant disease can appear at any time and anywhere and therefore to be more careful when taking chemical drugs to cope with this disease, because it can actually make you into dependency and here is how.

Consumption of food rich in Vitamin B2

At Vitamin B2 have a property to relieve migrants are able to act as an aspirin can cure a headache, examples of foods that are rich in Vitamin B2 as meat, yogurt, cheese, milk, eggs, liver, green vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, spinach), and also nuts. With vitamin B2 daily for 3 months as much as 400 mg per day may reduce the risk of migraines by 50%.

It also can take supplements of vitamin B2 can be found in the market / pharmacy. According to research that by taking supplements of vitamin B2 may help reduce the severity of migraine disease and vitamin B2 supplements also include safe as it can be consumed by pregnant women as well.

Warm Ginger Tea

Next is another way that you can do to cope with migraine is to drink hot ginger tea. You should know that ginger has been widely used by the Arabs, Indians and Chinese in treating migrants.

Inside there is a anti-inflammatory properties of ginger that can help inhibit prostaglandin synthesis or chemical compounds that can trigger migrants. Drinking ginger tea can reduce the duration and severity of migraine headaches when you are attacked. In order to get the most you can also mencapurkan little honey, lemon, or milk into the drink warm ginger tea.

Drink Containing Caffeine

In addition to caffeine can be used for relieving sleepiness, can also be used to reduce the pain of migraine. But the thing to remember is to not mengkomsumsinya excessively because it will actually aggravate your migraine, enough consumption of 1 to 2 glasses just to ease the pain of your migraines. Examples of caffeinated beverages you can try is coffee, chocolate and the.


Hydrotherapy is a healing technique using water migraine. The second way is to insert your feet into cold water and place a warm cloth on your neck.

This can help expedite the flow of blood from head to toe. After that it could be a bath with warm water which is useful to reduce the strain on the neck and back.

Magnesium Rich Food

According to research showing that magnesium deficiency is one of the originators onset of migrants. Therefore multiply the consumption of foods rich in magnesium to prevent and relieve migrants can appear suddenly. Our bodies can not make your own for the magnesium needed to consume foods that contain magnesium such as leafy green vegetables and nuts.

Function in magnesium can relax the tension on the nerves, muscles and nerve impulses flow throughout the body and brain. For that by taking magnesium 200 to 600 mg per day may help prevent the onset of headaches.

Hopefully the information that I submit can be useful for all of us who are sick get well soon because healthy is expensive.

How to Treat Heartburn Naturally

Heat in the commonplace things that often happen in everyday life. Usually when the weather is hot in the attack is uncertain. If you happen not to direct the heat in your panic and fear, because there is a cure for every disease except death disease. There are many things you can do to treat heartburn.

Before we further explain how to treat heartburn naturally. It's good to know we first briefly characterize the heat inside. When a person is attacked in the heat feels chapped lips, tidka malaise, kerongkonga ache, bad breath because of rising gas stomach. The natural way of treating heartburn are:

How to Treat Heartburn Naturally

1. Green Coconut Water
The moisture content of green coconut remarkable properties, regardless of its content is in no extraordinary such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose. In addition, green coconut water also contains the amino acid glutamate, arginine, leucine, lysine, proline, aspartic acid, alanine, histidine, phenylalanine, serine, cystine, and tyrosine.

In addition, green coconut water also contains vitamins such as vitamin C, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin, and folic acid. Not only that but it also contains a lot of minerals such as potassium (potassium), calcium, magnesium, and chloride. Of the many ingredients in green coconut water, green coconut water that is said to be able to make replacing isotonic fluids.

2. Boiled corn silk water

Corn silk is part of what we often ignore every time we buy corn, we only eat corn, while we throw water from the corn stew. Actually, silk corn is very useful to relieve heartburn. This is because the components contained in corn are very good, namely the components of flavonoids and tannins which are believed to cure various diseases.

The trick is to boil the corn silk iarnya and then drink. You can also boil it together so that the corn water is sweeter or with ginger.
3. Consume green beans
No stranger to this one complete meal nutritious and very good for health. Children under five are also good when eating green beans because it meets the child's vitamin needs.The content of green beans is protein and amino acids, minerals (phosphorus, iron, manganese), vitamins (A and B1), and the remaining fat. Because it contains a number of nutrients, the green beans are useful for treating heartburn, beriberi, kidney inflammation, treating high blood pressure, alcohol poisoning and pesticides, reducing itching for prickly heat, vomiting, strengthen the spleen and stomach function.
How to Treat Heartburn Naturally
How to cultivate the green beans to be a good meal is to boil it until soft and gives a bit of sugar or ginger.

4. Chicken Eggs
Chicken eggs believed since the first as healthy food and can increase stamina and energy workers. Chicken eggs different from range chicken eggs or more laying hens. Nutrient content in the chicken egg is an amino acid, vitamin E, and omega 3. Omega 3 fatty acids in eggs hometown 2 times more than other chicken eggs.

One of the benefits of a chicken egg is to treat heartburn naturally. The trick is to take an egg and boil until half cooked, then mix with honey and a little turmeric powder and drink.

Here are some ways to treat heartburn naturally and simply with maximum results. By using this herbal medicine or you do not have to buy different kinds of chemical drugs that only the potential for your future health.

How to Overcome Headache

Perhaps for those of you who do not know how to treat headaches and made ​​it difficult to treat dizziness. Headaches can be caused by several factors, for example due to stress, a lot of thought, heat and so on.

indeed spele disease but it will snagat disturbing, especially for people who are busy with activities, many ways to treat headaches in addition to treating headaches using drugs, the following ways to treat headache naturally you can do while busy with work hours.

Here's How to Overcome Headaches

1. massage
For first aid in dealing with the headache that is the massage, you can try is by massaging your temples or neck, this method can reduce the headache in the natural and by massaging the temples, neck, shoulders too can make us sleep soundly

2. Stretching
Headaches caused by body movement can rarely treated with stretching of the body, ie the movement of the neck movement chin down, up, to the left and right side. then you can stretch the shoulders upwards and play. lakukannlah stretch every day in spare time work for 10-20 minutes each day, this method can reduce muscle tension that makes the body become stiff and sore head rest.

3. Get plenty of rest
Lack of sleep will make our brains become much thought and stress, at least the man takes a break for 7-8 hours a day to keep the body fresh, if your headache then go to sleep for the rest of your brain.

4. Ice cubes
Ice cubes could actually treat headaches, ice can make the dead pain in the body, if you feel pain using a cloth wrap ice cubes then put it on the back of your neck to relieve pain in the head
Protect eyes.

5.Melindungi Eyes
Light and excessive computer radiation to the eye will certainly cause a headache, for that if you work all day at the computer out of the house was a moment to breathe fresh air and put on anti-radiation monitors that awake eyes from excessive light monitor.

How to Deal with Head Pain treat headaches without drugs above can be done at home with ease, if within 3 days of headaches do not go away then you are required to go to the doctor, the above methods may be useful for you and your headache pain quickly recover.

Moringa Leaf Health Benefits for Body

Are you familiar Moringa leaves, Moringa leaf is a plant that often grows wild in the countryside, it has a variety of Moringa leaves are good for the health benefits. Village community believe that Moringa leaves or leaf Murong could be a lightning rod. It is said that the benefits of Moringa leaves can counteract this lightning has often dipraktek rural communities when the buffalo shepherd in the rain.

Whether true or not, certainly Moringa leaves are very many benefits for health. Do you know what are the health benefits of Moringa leaves. Here we will explain some of the health benefits of moringa leaves as summarized from various sources.

Moringa leaves for Health Benefits

1. Moringa leaves lower cholesterol
Speaking of cholesterol you definitely feel hate and gregetan. Perhaps because cholesterol can stimulate various diseases in the body. If ana hates the bad cholesterol, also why eating greasy foods is not healthy, hehe. OK, actually the cholesterol in the body is also an important role for health, but it should be good cholesterol called HDL or High Density Lipoprotein. While the bad cholesterol or LDL disbeut with Low Density Lipoprotein is a puppeteer for any dangerous diseases in the body such as stroke, heart, etc.

If you are afraid of the bad cholesterol but still love to eat fried food and junk food, it means that one's own, but you can minimize the bad cholesterol in the body by consuming Moringa leaves. Take Moringa leaves and cook the vegetables become translucent. If you do not want to eat dayuran Moringa leaves, there are other ways that you can do in order to get the benefits of Moringa leaves is by consuming Moringa leaf extract. You can get the Moringa leaf extract at the drug store, but choose a trusted drugstore.

2. Benefits of Moringa leaves as an anti-inflammatory
Another benefit is as an anti-inflammatory. Moringa leaves contain very many substances such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and minerals didalmnya when compared with other vegetables. That is why the moringa leaf extract may be useful in preventing the formation of a variety of cells, including tumor diseases that could occur anytime.

3. Moringa leaves treat pain, tired and weary
Do you suffer from fatigue, tiredness, pain dipersendian? if you really experience it, try using this powerful way is by utilizing Moringa leaves as natural herbs to treat the above complaints including pain, tired, tired. Why is this so? Moringa leaves contain substances as body warmers, and contains pterigospermin.

How to use Moringa leaves as a pain medication is by mashing taste etc. Moringa leaves. Then place and apply the results of the impact on the body that feels pain, tired or exhausted. Here are some health benefits of Moringa leaves that must be known, since these plants are easily available in the forest-forest.

How to Treat Ringworm Disease Naturally

How to Treat Ringworm Disease Naturally - Ringworm is a type of disease caused by fungus, ringworm will provide tremendous itching on the sufferer, so the itching will stimulate the patient to scratch it. The stronger the more it will scratch the itch and continue to make people want to scratch it, because he said there was delight when scratched. But keep in mind that ringworm will widen if scratched.

If you are one of the people with ringworm, you would know how it feels. Here we will try to share how to treat ringworm ringworm naturally, hopefully it can help you in dealing with ringworm that attack you.

How to Treat Ringworm Naturally

1. Using galangal
Galangal is a spice plant species although shaped bulbs. Galangal housewife usually used for cooking in the kitchen. But galangal proved very useful to repel diseases caused by fungi. One is ringworm, so ginger can be used to treat ringworm.

The trick is:
Take galangal and ends up bruised or crushed shaped brush, dip it in vinegar and apply on affected skin ringworm. Do it twice a day until the disease is cured ringworm.

2. Using garlic
Garlic is also a kitchen spices or ingredients to cook in the kitchen. Garlic turns out to have properties outside biasany primarily to treat ringworm and other diseases caused by fungi. Garlic contains a lot of sulfur in it so that the taste of raw garlic is very bitter. If it's easy to treat ringworm, Take a few cloves of garlic and mash until smooth, then apply on the affected skin ringworm, scabies or other things caused by fungi. Do it twice a day until healed.

In addition to treating ringworm of garlic is also good to be eaten raw which can smooth the blood and eradicate various types of bad bacteria in the body and boost immunity.

3. Using Sulfur
Sulfur is a naturally occurring mineral that is generally obtained from natural springs of volcanic highlands (mountains), sulfur is also a chemical element represented by S. Sulfur is a nonmetallic element that is not tasteless. Benefits of sulfur is able to treat all kinds of diseases that cause itchiness. Sulfur can also be obtained in tokok drug.

How to treat ringworm with sulfur is by applying a liquid sulfur that you buy at the drug store, Apply on the affected area of ​​skin ringworm. Let stand a few minutes (40 minutes) and then rinse clean, Do it twice a day until your ringworm run away.

So how to treat ringworm naturally and quickly, for those of you who are experiencing this skin disease is proper to use natural ingredients to treat your ringworm. Use one of the above ways that you think is simple or you think is easy to do. May be useful.

5 Best Tips for Healthy Living

"Health is wealth" the saying goes. You can not say enough produce wealth when you are sick. It is therefore important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

There are 5 tips for healthy living that can be applied in your daily life for your healthy life.

1. Food. The health of each person depends on what he eats. People were eating and a balanced diet; rich in carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals, fats and oils and water will certainly healthy.

His body will develop enough antibodies that will fight against each antigen into the body. All cells and tissues damaged by everyday activities will be refilled. One another, people who eat a balanced diet will get sick from time to time.

Also, people who consume a lot of alcohol, smoking, taking hard drugs etc, would endanger his health. Things will destroy the immune system, cells and tissues.

This would lead to diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. .Pertanyaannya come to you now, what do you eat? What do you usually eat? Think and act now for a healthy life-style you :)

2. Sports. Sport is very important for healthy living. This allows us to stretch the muscles and tissue, burn fat in our body, making the circulatory, digestive, respiratory, and excretory systems we work well.

Exercise makes us sleep and rest well. The benefits derived from sports so much. There are different types of exercise that we can do such as: walking, running, jumping, dancing, jogging, cycling, football, basketball, etc.

You can choose from one of them. Try as much as possible sweat. Exercise at least two hours each week. No matter you are a tight schedule to make time to exercise.

3. Take a break. The body is like a machine that can break if not refrigerated after working hours - hours. Rest helps your body become more fresh, more efficient and more productive course.

When we rest, your metabolism slows down, and when the repair was done on cells and tissues. Some people have abused their bodies with work throughout the year and is ultimately damaging their body system. Take a moment to vacation and relax, this is very good for your health.

4. Work. The work is very important to maintain a healthy life. Work can create wealth, and wealth is used to maintain a healthy life. A word proverb says "He who does not work should not eat".

And we know the implications of ill-health and death. Never be lazy, there are many things to do to create wealth, get involved in your work and make your life happy.

5. Environment. Where we live determines our state of health. An environment, mosquito-prone dirty, the air polluted area would endanger our health. If we keep our environment clean, then surely our lives will always be healthy.

Our health can be maintained or destroyed depending on our lifestyle. Therefore keep a healthy lifestyle today.

3 Quick Ways to Cure Fever

Fever is the type of symptoms that often affects children. But it is also possible that the fever also affects adults although sometimes in rare frequency. When fever attack we have to know how to cure or treat a fever that is not severe and can be recovered quickly.

Maybe we never imagined that when small we are often treated by our parents to the various things that happen to us, including fever. But what if you're alone diperantauan away with the family, of course you should be alert and astute in curing dengue peru quickly even without medication. In this article we will be sharing how to cure fever quickly and easily.

1. Drink plenty of warm water many
When the body of a fever, the body is in an unstable state due to the toxins in our body that feels fever. Well, one powerful way to cure a fever is to remove toxins in the body to keep the body fit and healthy back. So how do I remove toxins. The trick is to drink lots of warm water. Warm water can remove toxins through urine or urinary. Eat as much as much of its water and eat less solid food.

2. Compressed with ice
Another way in curing fever is by mengompresnya premises ice cubes. Take an ice cube and put it into a cloth and compress (put) on your forehead. Also put ice cubes in your stomach. It is intended that the body temperature of the heat right down. When the body temperature tends to fever heat so you have to lower the body temperature.

3. Break
If you have to compress your body, immediately try to get rest well. Good rest is sleep, then go to bed and cover your body with a cloth or gloves, Keep up your sweat. Sleep well let your body work to stop the fever is present in your body.

If you are feeling nauseous and want to vomit, then you will get well soon. What you should do is to immediately vomit up what you have in your stomach, and do not let your gag restraint, because who would you spend it is a toxic food that is in your body.

Here are 3 ways to cure fever quickly and you do not need a doctor who will only be presented with chemical drugs that would be bad for the health of the body in a long time outreach. A few of our tips to cure fever, may be useful.


How to Treat Wound Infections

This time I will share tips about the handling and treatment of infected wounds. Jump to the "scene", apasih the wound, ciaaa there's still a question. For those who don't know what a wound is? Injuries are parts of body tissue that are lost or damaged caused by trauma due to sharp or blunt objects, changes in temperature, electric shock or animal bites. Wounds are disorders of the skin's normal condition. Now you know.

Under normal conditions, the wound will heal by itself with the treatment of hygienic wounds. But what if it's already infected, let's discuss it. What are the characteristics of an infected wound, as follows:

Initial characteristic shown are wound does not go at least a week to dry out after treated with an antiseptic solution, marked itching and keep the output clear fluid from the wound. And if this condition is not immediately followed up then there are two possibilities that will happen. First wound looked as if it dries marked visible scar tissue dries, but actually in the layer is going stronger the infection process, not just a clear liquid that comes out again but abscess fluid mixed with blood that will come out when the dry layer on tap or squeezed . The second condition is that no symptoms of injury coating that dries but lukaakan looks wet and tends to get his arms extended networks and is characterized also by a discharge of pus.

And what should I do? Okay I will try to share how to handle it based on my personal experience. Look at this:

1. Make sure the wound to be treated has been cleaned with a clean cloth or tissue, do not use water to clean the wound, use rivanol liquid. For the first step after infection is to use gauze pads on wet rivanol / wet all parts of the gauze and compress the infected wound by placing a soaked rivanol gauze over the wound, let stand about 3 minutes and then press gently to all sides of the wound with the intention that dirt and the rest of the rest of the pus out and then lift the gauze pads. Then the important thing to do is to dry the wound that has been compressed by means of rivanol and ensure that the wound is completely dry from liquid rivanol.

2 .Because the wound is infected it is not enough to use betadine or iodine alone, for this use a special ointment wound infection, which I use is wound ointment kemicitine / kalmicetine. This special ointment for wound infection, use just enough to average over the surfaces of the wound and the wound.

3. After steps one and two, the next step is to wrap the wound in sterile gauze, don't wrap it too tight because this will only slow down the healing process because moisture is drained from closing the wound too tightly, cool it loose and most importantly the wound is completely closed.

4. Step most special of the three steps above are praying for a cure to the Almighty. Because there is great power and healing in his hands.

Well, usually after this stage in 3 days God willing, will show positive signs. Characterized by drying the wound at the beginning of the outside. The disappearance of the symptoms of red kidney around the wound, and the wound looks more beautiful than before he he J. If you have this thanksgiving, and stop using the ointment continue with the use of betadine / red medicine and keep the cleanliness of his arms thoroughly clean. Heal, try not to get wet first if not too dry. Simple and easy isn't it. Good luck with quick recovery.


How to Treat Flu in Natural

Influenza or more commonly known as the flu is a viral infection that occurs in the respiratory apparatus such as the nose, throat and lungs, thus affecting the working of the nose, throat and the most rare, your lungs. Flu illness can be easily transmitted and spread easily from one person to another through sharing ways such as sharing drinks, sharing eating utensils, direct contact, as well as coughing and sneezing. (Flu germs do not care if they spread through touch or air, provided they can get into your body).

Main Causes of Disease Flu or Colds

Influenza (flu) is a type of infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae (the influenza viruses). Symptoms of the disease usually occurs among which chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, saki head feels heavy, coughing, weakness / fatigue and general discomfort.

How To Treat Diseases Flu or Colds

Well, after we mengeahui what things can cause the flu, it's time I share tips about how your way of overcoming the flu or a cold. Here are 12 Tips on How to Overcome Flu or Colds Naturally:

1. Expand the Drinking Water
Why should drink water puith? the answer is simple, because the water does have a myriad of benefits that include also can help treat the flu or a cold. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water puith / day. It is intended to keep your throat clean from germs that can cause colds.

2. Consume Drinks Warm
In addition to the water to reproduce minu you can also consume beverages warm for example, water puith warm, water hot tea, coffee and so on. Why should warm drinks? The answer is because at the time the flu, there will be a lot of wasted fluid through the mucus, saliva and sweat. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water, utjuannya to replace lost body fluids. Why should the water warm? because warm fluids can help reduce congestion, prevent dehydration, and throat were disrupted. In addition, the steam from hot drinks can also help thin the mucus. So, if you flu immediately drink the warm!

3. Resting Total
Conditions tired body will cause a weakened immune and flu will strike when the condition of the body whose immune system is weakened. Therefore, it is advisable for you to do a complete rest and stop working for a while, so that your immune system menjagi back like it should.

4. Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables
When the weakened condition of your body, your body's auto-immune system will be weakened. Thus the intake of vitamins and minerals are needed untum help restore the body and helps improve the immune system to prevent disease meudah

5. Use Aroma Onions
Onions which we know as one of the many spices, it also can be used as medicine to treat the flu. The aroma of onions (scallions, red, wite) can serve as a catalyst in the discharge and nasal wash. The trick, hold the onions on the bottom of the nostril and inhale the aroma for about 5 minutes. Have a good luck!

6. Traditional Steam Therapy
Evaporation is one of the traditional ways that are believed effective to overcome the flu. The trick input into a basin of hot water, use a towel to cover your head, and place your face over the basin. To be more optimal result, you can mix eucalyptus oil, turmeric, ginger or other spices.

7. Rinsing
Gargling can be a solution when the flu attack. Why should rinse? aim to help cleanse the mouth so that the bad bacteria that causes flu does not go into the throat. Try gargling with warm water mixed with salt, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, ginger for maximum results.

8. Use Aroma Menthol / Mint
Using menthol or mint scent is one way for me to cope with the flu or a cold. It's easy, you just need to apply eucalyptus oil or balsam near the nostrils, throat and your chest.

9. Bathing with Warm Water
When you have the flu, do not try using a cold water bath. But always use warm water objective being to keep the body warm.

10. Consumption of chili / foods containing chili
Capsaicin is a chemical compound are contained in chili peppers that is trusted and has been proven effective to help clean the nasal cavity. When the flu began to attack, try eating soup with a sprinkling of pepper or chili-containing foods. But remember, not too much, will not recover even its flu stomach pain hehe.

11. Consumption of Spices That It Warm
Lastly you can also try to eat the spice that tastes like a warm, kencur, ginger, basil, sreh. Or it could be all of the following spices united and boiled with water, then drink boiled water.

12. A mixture of Honey and Ginger
Everyone must know honey. In addition to good taste, honey is also rich in benefits which are also useful in overcoming the flu or a cold. Way, take 2 segment ginger, then grate and mix with honey. Then you eat 3 times a day. Insyaalloh your flu will recover.

Hopefully with 12 natural ways to cure this flu you can be free of this disease, get well.


How to Treat Hair Loss Naturally

Hair is the most important part of our body, as well as for us the crown jewels that add beauty to the appearance of a person's hair also act to protect our heads from the sun and cold weather, but it is not desirable if it is the most important part of the body that is experiencing problems that could result in loss fatal to the case of baldness is not very cool is not it? therefore this time I will share tips on How to Prevent Hair Loss Naturally.

Food conditions, genes and environmental conditions turned out to also be made ​​of different types of hair, such as the Caucasians who have blonde hair unlike the case with the people in Indonesia, which has a characteristic black hair, some straight hair, curly to frizzy but the important thing is healthy hair.

Is it to have healthy hair does not fall out and we have to have a lot of money for treatment? certainly not, maybe some of the companions thought that healthy hair can only be obtained at salons with the exorbitant cost of care but here I gave the other alternatives by providing natural ingredients that you can do at home.

Here's a natural way to overcome hair loss with ease.

1. Avoid For Hair Loss
The first thing you should do of course by avoiding the causes of hair loss, because so many are trying to cope with loss, but causes that lead to loss itself is not inevitable then that would be a lie, a few things to avoid are drugs that contain lots of hair care chemical, avoid stress, even to such as calorie intake is less.

2. Do Head Massage
Do massage on the head can help stimulate blood circulation and help keep the hair follicles remain on the hair growth will be smooth and protected from loss, it would be best if the massage a few drops of lavender oil sessensial, almonds or sesame. and do it regularly.

3. Using Pecan Oil
Hazelnut oil is very effective to nourish the hair and avoid the loss, but some of you still do not know the hazelnut oil to ease just buy hazelnut oil in hair care salons for salon also use these oils.

4. Using Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera contains many vitamins and minerals that may be efficacious to nourish hair and keep your scalp healthy and protected from loss, which is used only part of the gel or mucus alone, by making the gel as you shampoo, use regularly to maximum results.

5. Using Celery
Celery leaves contain vitamins such as, iron, calcium, vitamin A, sodium and vitamin B that is beneficial to stimulate hair growth to be more healthy, but that with the use of celery will give the hair look more shiny effect and to use is tantamount to the use of the tongue mucous namely the crocodile menjadikanya lieu shampoo.

Those are some tips that have proven a lot of people did and managed to cope with hair loss, this method is an effective way to satisfying results without the side effects of chemical drugs and can also be obtained in a way that is easy and inexpensive. So any tips from me today about 5 Ways to Overcome Hair Loss Naturally may be useful.


Natural Ways to Treat Mumps

Mumps is swelling of the parotid gland caused by a viral infection called paramyxovirus. Parotid gland is located at the bottom and front of the ear. Mumps can cause one of these glands swell.

And although very rare, mumps can also cause complications beberpa, among others:
* In men, testicular swelling of one or both of them.
* In women, the ovaries swell.
* Inflammation of the brain regions.
* Hearing to decline.
* Miscarriage.
* Swelling of the pancreas.

Causes of Mumps
The cause is the mumps or mumps infection by a virus called paramyxovirus. The virus that causes mumps is in the saliva of patients from 6 days before swelling to 9 days after swelling. The highest risk of transmission of mumps was 2 days before the swelling. Transmission can be through the saliva of patients or objects contaminated with the virus a paramyxovirus.

Mumps most common in children aged 6 to 8 years. Mumps usually attack when the body condition is declining. And if a person has been exposed to mumps, it will be immune to the disease for life.

symptoms of Mumps
In the event of a virus infection, the patient usually does not feel the signs. Only then hose 2 to 3 weeks will show some signs of mumps. Some of the symptoms of mumps include:
* Swelling of the salivary glands, the glands could be two or one.
* Time chewing and swallowing food painful.
* Fever.
* Body feels sore and weak.
And the most visible is the swelling on one or both cheeks.

Food Abstinence Mumps
Mumps patient should be given foods that are easy to chew and swallow. Moreover there is no kind of food taboos for mumps.

Prevention of Disease Mumps (Mumps / parotitis)

Mumps vaccination as part of routine immunization in childhood, namely immunization MMR (mumps, morbili, rubella) given by injection at the age of 15 months.
MMR immunization may also be given to adolescents and adults who have not had Mumps.

Immunization is no effect apanas or other symptoms. Simply eating foods that contain high levels of iodine, can reduce the risk of mumps disease.

How to Treat Diseases Mumps / parotitis Natural and Traditional:

Oriented treatment to relieve symptoms until the patient returned either by itself.
Mumps actually classified as "self-limiting disease" (disease that resolves itself without treatment). People with mumps should avoid foods or drinks that are acidic so that the pain does not get worse, given liquid and soft food diet. Jka in antiquity mumps patients given blau (blue for washing clothes), in fact it is clinically irrelevant. Most likely just for children affected by the disease Mumps is a shame if the game out with a face covered in blau, so that the child hopes rest home enough to help the healing process.

In addition to the doctor for treatment, mumps can also be treated using traditional ingredients sebabagai follows:
Herb leaves Tread Dara: 1 handful of leaves tread virgin, finely ground and then attached to the mumps.


How to Treat Swollen Gums with Natural Ingredients

How to treat swollen gums naturally of course can be done quickly, or a way to treat swollen gums and bleeding gums. For those of you who suffer from swollen gums, here's the treatment tips, see the review that I will share this time.

Suffering from swollen gums is normal and not a strange disease. Swollen gums themselves can occur due to various factors, but the most dominant factor that causes swollen gums is due to toothache. But of course there are still many more that cause swollen gums. One of them is, for those of you who don't maintain oral hygiene, you must immediately change your bad behavior, because oral hygiene is very influential on the health of your teeth and gums.

Terkadang rasa sakit akibat gusi yang membengkak semua orang berbeda, depends on how severe the condition is. Fortunately there are several ways to treat swollen gums that you can do easily using a variety of natural ingredients.

Some herbs or natural ingredients that are efficacious for treating the swollen gums like clove oil, turmeric, salt, and more.Metode ini sudah banyak direkomendasikan dan dibuktikan oleh banyak pihak. So you don't necessarily have to take the drugs or other pharmaceutical products that contain chemicals. Selain efektif tentunya cara menyembuhkan gusi yang bengkak secara alami sangat aman dan bebas dari efek samping. Well just consider some ways to treat swollen gums below.

1. massage
The first way to ease the pain from swollen gums with a massage. The way the massage on the gums cheek pain slowly. Make a circular motion, but make sure you do not feel pain in this way.

2. Lemon
Namely how to prepare then squeeze 1/4 lemon juice with water and mix in 1/2 cup warm water. The next step that is rinsed using a mixture of both natural materials. You can apply this method 2 times a day in order to quickly recover.

3. Brine
The way the mix 1 tablespoon of salt into 1 cup of warm water. The next step which is to use a mixture of the two materials is to rinse. Just like using a lemon, you can apply this method 2 times a day in order to get well.

4. Clove oil
Namely how to apply a little clove oil have swollen gums. This way you can apply 3 times a day after you eat.

5. Water
Drinking water is beneficial for cleaning the gums and mouth of a variety of harmful bacteria. So there is no harm in consuming at least 8 glasses of water a day. In addition to healthful, consuming water can also facilitate your digestion.

So please apply one way to treat swollen gums naturally that I have mentioned above. In order to recover quickly swollen gums must be treated on a regular basis, but if it does not go away you should also contact your doctor immediately. Make sure you always brush your teeth to oral hygiene is maintained, so as to avoid the pain of teeth and gums. Similarly, treatment tips this time, may be useful for you.


Three Fruit Juice Helps Keep Kidney Health

 Fruit juice is not only refreshing and healthy for the human body, however certain fruit juices able to maintain healthy kidney function. One is tomato juice without sugar good drink every day.

The following summarizes pasharga three kinds of fruit juice good for kidney health is quoted from various sources.

grape juice

Grape juice good for the health of the kidneys and digestive system as a whole. This drink also helps you lose weight and appetite control foods.


Drink grapefruit able to maintain healthy kidneys someone, because it has a flavonoid called naringenin.

tomato juice

Same with grapefruit, tomatoes also has a flavonoid content. So also with the content of other essential nutrients to regulate proteins that reduce the development of renal cysts, which can cause kidney failure.